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Trigger Point / Myofascial Work and Infrared Red Light

The cause of your pain may not be the traditional diagnosis you have been given. I have significantly helped and changed lives of people who thought their chronic pain was something they had to live with. It is not a spine/adjustment issue. More often than not it is a trigger point/myofascial problem.

Trigger points are defined as exquisitely tender spots that can be felt in discrete tight bands of hardened muscle tissue that produce localized and/or referred pain.  In simpler terms, a trigger point is basically a small muscle knot.
The sensation or pain felt can be sharp, stabbing, burning, stiff, twinging, pinched, constant  and can create nerve pain if the trigger point is near a nerve. The presence of a trigger point will also create an inflammatory response in the body creating pain. Trigger points affect the muscle they are located in, making the muscle weaker, “tighter” and prone to spasms.

Trigger Points are my specialty. I always find them, and I know how to significantly reduce them.  I use infrared red light therapy to soften chronic hardened fascia, dilate blood vessels, and biochemically calm muscle spasms. I then apply constant firm pressure over the trigger points which restricts blood and oxygen essentially killing the spasmed muscle cell. This will dramatically reduce the spasm and your pain.  Trigger points are usually the main culprit in fibromyalgia, sciatica, migraines, and chronic pain.  I can remove them. There is a solution.



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9532 Harding Ave, Suite 101
Surfside Florida 33154

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